EDI Management for Accounting Software
Western Computer Services and SoftCare EC have been developing and deploying EDI solutions since 1989. Our staffs have extensive experience providing implementation assistance, compliance certification, consulting, and professional services. With TradeLink from SoftCare, and the EDI Application Gateway for TRAVERSE, OSAS or AddonSoftware from WCS, customers can rely on a cost-effective, easy to use, turn-key solution to meet all their EDI and e-Business Needs.
Reduces the effort to support Purchasing, Invoices and Shipping Functions
Allows the set up of trading partner specific EDI Purchase Orders, Invoices, Purchase Order Acknowledgments and Advanced Shipment Notifications
Fully Integrated and Automated Processing
All EDI tasks are completely integrated and automated using TradeLink's unattended operations feature. This true multi-user system allows for maintenance operations, while your system is running. You will never lose a transaction with the complete, reliable audit and exception reporting features.
Easy and Simple Partner Specific Validation
TradeLink uses partner specific partner maps to ensure that only valid business information is sent from and to your trading partners. This is a key feature as it promotes improved customer service by ensuring that you follow your large trading partners “EDI“ rules.
Simple Business Rules Setup
The ERP interface makes the process to create a business rule from which to validate received business documents a snap. For example, wouldn't it be great to validate if your trading partner is sending a valid UPC before it gets into your Sales Order system by automatically reviewing your Item Master file to determine if the UPC is valid? Of course it would, that's why the simple business rules setup of the ERP interface is the best approach for integration.
Superior Error Notification
What if a trading partner sends you a document that fails processing? TradeLink provides email notification immediately, no matter where in the process the failure occurred. The email provides all of the details to be able to sign on to TradeLink's superior audit and correct the problem as soon as possible. The key is that problems can be solved quickly so that important purchase orders are not held up.
Complete re-processing capability
Incoming and outgoing documents are registered within TradeLink's audit system, allowing you to recall them. TradeLink provides the ability to re-send an invoice for example, if your trading partner experienced problems with the original transmission.
Flexible Business Process Management
TradeLink allows total flexibility on how to schedule business central BPM allows tasks to be defined, scheduled and executed automatically, based on events, manually or any schedule that meets your company's business needs.
Be assured your EDI Systems are Reliable, Easy to Manage and Complete |